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25000 επισκέπτες στο ATHENS COFFEE FESTIVAL! Πάνω από 25. 000 επαγγελματίες και λάτρεις του καφέ από την Ελλάδα επισκέφτηκαν το 1ο ATHENS COFFEE FESTIVAL. Τεράστια συμμετοχή στα σεμινάρια και τις παρουσιάσεις του φεστιβάλ! Έμεινα έκ.
217, Imittou str
48 Democratias Ave.
Tsamouras, Vasileios
Drosia, Athens 14572
2106211672 Fax --
Java 10, already! The next big change is Parallel Full GC support in G1GC. In Java 9 they changed the default VM to G1 and now they have enhanced it so that if you have to run a full collection it will at least run in parallel and reduce the pause time for your application. The feature all the developers are talking about is local variable type inference.
Vč textu tiskem na specialním. Kombinace výroby lettrpressu a s ním spojená administrativa. Řemeslná činnost ve výrobě ručního tisku a komunikace se zakazníkem, znalost např. Zručnost, skutečně na sobě pracovat a s pokorou a radostí přijimat přání zakazníka.
Online Guide to Haskovo, Bulgaria. Here you can find information about Haskovo and the region. We have tried to present the town and region, its history and culture, famous people from Haskovo, as well as the best sights one should see and remember. The use of the articles is allowed only if quoting the source and linking to the original article.
Вие вече сте гласували! Сайтът предлага информация и документи, свързани с дейността и развитието на Община Хасково. Всички, които вече познават Хасково или им предстои да го посетят, ще открият тук интересни факти от историята и днешния ден на Хасково. Национална програма за енергийна ефективност на многофамилни жилищни сгради.
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